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Our School is committed to educate and nurture all the students so they may grow towards responsible global citizenship.A building made with walls holding tomorrow inside

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Our Features

Imparting Multidisciplinary Education

Kindling Multiple Intelligences

Creating Media Literacy

Enriching Eloquency

Our Enriching Phonic Skills

We as a world class school provide phonics in our curriculum based on Australian Synthetic Reading Curriculum. We aim to bring education revolution in our country as phonics enable our Globalites to become global citizen and give easy access to world class education. Phonics is the relationship between the sounds of the spoken language and the written language. It not only improves grasp of vocabulary and language but also build a child's patience and concentration.

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Welcome To Queen Global International School

QGIS is a name that stands for its vision to provide students a modernly-designed holistic learning environment to explore, create and grow as global citizens of tomorrow.

With an aim to instill strong will-power in every child through 3C’s of life: Confidence, Compassion and Cooperation to overcome every hurdle in life with joy and togetherness.

QGIS believes in overall personality development and to equip students with latest knowledge and skills to prepare them for a world outside their classrooms.


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What Parent think about us.

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